Deployment on Arbitrary Cluster

In this guide, we will cover the installation of NetworkManager and kubernetes-nmstate on your arbitrary cluster.


This guide requires you to have your own Kubernetes/OpenShift cluster. If you don’t have one and just want to try kubernetes-nmstate out, please refer to the deployment on local cluster guide.

In order to get kubernetes-nmstate running, NetworkManager must be installed on the node.


From gnome:

“The NetworkManager daemon attempts to make networking configuration and operation as painless and automatic as possible by managing the primary network connection and other network interfaces, like Ethernet, Wi-Fi, and Mobile Broadband devices. NetworkManager will connect any network device when a connection for that device becomes available, unless that behavior is disabled. Information about networking is exported via a D-Bus interface to any interested application, providing a rich API with which to inspect and control network settings and operation.”

kubernetes-nmstate containers communicate with a NetworkManager instance running on the node using D-Bus. Make sure that NetworkManager is installed and running on each node.

yum install NetworkManager
systemctl start NetworkManager

See Compatibility guide to learn about supported versions of NetworkManager.


Finally, we can install kubernetes-nmstate on our cluster. In order to do that, please find the latest release and follow the the Installation guide attached to it.

You can stop here and play with the cluster on your own or continue with one of the user guides that will guide you through requesting node network states and configuring the nodes.