
A Declarative API for Host Network Management

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DEPRECATED: Varlink support for libnmstate


** Varlink interface is DEPRECATED in 1.x and removed in 2.x **

This documentation details the varlink protocol support for libnmstate functions. Varlink protocol encodes all the messages as JSON objects and communicates via unix and tcp socket connections. Using the varlink, libnmstate is accessible via varlink stdin/out and varlink client implementation. This documentation uses python programming language for examples, please refer language binding document for other existing varlink programming languages binding. Libnmstate service is defined as io.nmstate in varlink interface.


$ pip3 install -u "varlink>=29.0.0"


$ sudo dnf install python3-varlink

To view information about io.nmstate service.

$ varlink info unix:/run/nmstate.so

Vendor: Red Hat
Product: Nmstate
Version: 0.3.0
URL: https://www.nmstate.io

To view the varlink io.nmstate interface definition via stdin/out

$ varlink help unix:/run/nmstate.so/io.nmstate

# Interface definition
interface io.nmstate

# Types definition
type Logs (
  time: string,
  level: string,
  message: string

# Method definition
method Show(arguments: [string]object) -> (state: ?object, log: []Logs)

method Apply(arguments: [string]object) -> (log: []Logs)

method Commit(arguments: [string]object) -> (log: []Logs)

method Rollback(arguments: [string]object) -> (log: []Logs)

# Errors definition
error NmstateValueError (error_message: string, log: []Logs)

error NmstatePermissionError (error_message: string, log: []Logs)

The basic functions from libnmstate (show, apply, commit and rollback) are called via varlink interface. Passing arguments to the functions only supports JSON format and parameters should be passed json object under arguments key. Below are the examples for each basic functions using varlink stdin/out and varlink client.

Varlink stdin/out:

$ varlink call unix:/run/nmstate.so/io.nmstate.Show

Varlink python client:

import varlink

with varlink.Client("unix:/run/nmstate.so").open("io.nmstate", namespaced=False) as con:

JSON output: libnmstate current network is reported under “state” object.

  "log": [
      "level": "DEBUG",
      "message": "Async action: Retrieve applied config: foo started",
      "time": "2020-08-05 10:22:19"
      "level": "DEBUG",
      "message": "Async action: Retrieve applied config: foo finished",
      "time": "2020-08-05 10:22:19"
  "state": {
    "dns-resolver": {
      "config": {
        "search": [],
        "server": []
      "running": {}
    "interfaces": [
        "ipv4": {
          "enabled": false
        "ipv6": {
          "enabled": false
        "lldp": {
          "enabled": false
        "mac-address": "36:66:98:1D:6A:C8",
        "mtu": 1500,
        "name": "eth0",
        "state": "down",
        "type": "ethernet"
    "route-rules": {
      "config": []
    "routes": {
      "config": [],
      "running": []

* libnmstate apply function (query network state)

Varlink stdin/out:
$ varlink call unix:/run/nmstate.so/io.nmstate.Apply '{"arguments": {"desired_state": {"interfaces": [{"name": "foo", "type": "dummy", "state": "up", "ipv4": {"enabled": false}, "ipv6": {"enabled": false}}]} } }'

state = {‘desired_state’: {‘interfaces’: [{‘name’: ‘foo’, ‘type’: ‘dummy’, ‘state’: ‘up’, ‘ipv4’: {‘enabled’: False}, ‘ipv6’: {‘enabled’: False}}]} }

with varlink.Client(“unix:/run/nmstate.so”).open(“io.nmstate”) as nmstate: nmstate.Apply(state)

* libnmstate commit function (commit transaction)

Varlink stdin/out:
$ varlink call unix:@nmstate/io.nmstate.Commit '{"checkpoint": <checkpoint> }'

Varlink python client:

import varlink

checkpoint = {"checkpoint": "<checkpoint_path>"}
with varlink.Client("unix:/run/nmstate.so").open("io.nmstate", namespaced=False) as con:

Varlink stdin/out:

$ varlink call unix:@nmstate/io.nmstate.Rollback '{"checkpoint": "<checkpoint_path>" }'

Varlink python client:

import varlink

checkpoint = {"checkpoint": "<checkpoint_path>" }
with varlink.Client("unix:/run/nmstate.so").open("io.nmstate", namespaced=False) as con:

Error response

All error nmstate messages are encoded as JSON object format. Errors are identified with specified varlink interface and include the error message and log. Following examples shows the format of the error raised via varlink stdin/out and varlink client.

Varlink stdin/out:

Call failed with error: NmstateValueError
  "error_message": "No checkpoint specified or found",
  "log": [
      "level": "ERROR",
      "message": "No checkpoint specified or found",
      "name": "root",
      "time": "2020-07-31 15:16:22"

Varlink python client:

varlink.error.VarlinkError: {
    'error': 'NmstateValueError',
    'parameters': {
        'error_message': 'No checkpoint specified or found',
        'log': [
                'time': '2020-07-31 15:18:06',
                'level': 'ERROR',
                'message': 'No checkpoint specified or found'